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Math - 1st Grade Assignments

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Past Assignments


HW & Practice 2-9

HW & Practice 2-9 pgs. 131-132
Today's class work may be helpful when completing the homework.


HW & Practice 2-8

HW & Practice 2-8 pgs. 125-126
#6 - Your child does NOT have to write a subtraction story, but they need to write an addition fact that can help them solve 10 - 3.


HW & Practice 2-7

HW & Practice 2-7 pgs. 119-120


Pumpkin Sheet - use the number line to add

Pumpkin Sheet - use the number line to practice addition.  Follow the directions to complete this page.


HW & Practice 2-6

HW & Practice 2-6 pgs. 113-114
For #5, your child should write their subtraction story on the ice cream paper.  We wrote a subtraction story together in class.  Please refer to their class work for this example.  


HW & Practice 2-5

HW & Practice 2-5 pgs. 107-108


HW & Practice 2-4

HW & Practice 2-4 pgs. 101-102
In numbers 4-6, the sum for the top addition equation is the given part in the bottom equation.  EX: 5 + 2 = 7; 7  + 3 = 10


HW & Practice 2-3

HW & Practice 2-3 pgs. 95-96


HW & Practice 2-2

HW & Practice 2-2 pgs. 89-90
You child may draw pictures or use objects from home to count in order to solve any problems that may be tricky for them.


Extra Credit (optional assignment) T1PA

Extra Credit (worth up to 3 points)  is due - Topic 1 Performance Assessment pgs. 73-74


Review What You Know

Review What You Know p. 76


Topic 1 Reteaching

Topic 1 Reteaching pgs. 65-68
Our Topic 1 test will be tomorrow.  Our test will be very similar to the white Topic 1 Assessment pages that your child brought home today.  We did those pages together in class.  This test will be teacher guided.


Missing Addends

Missing Addends
This page is double-sided!  Follow the directions to complete both pages.


HW & Practice 1-9

HW & Practice 1-9 pgs. 61-62
Use today's class work to help with tonight's homework.  For #2 keep your sentences as simple as you can.  
Our Topic 1 assessment will be on Friday, September 22, 2023!


HW & Practice 1-8

HW & Practice 1-8 pgs. 55-56
The problems on this page can be solved using addition or subtraction to find the missing part.
Your child may use crayons or colored pencils for your drawings in #5.


HW & Practice 1-7

HW & Practice 1-7 pgs. 49-50
#5 - Your child does NOT have to write an addition story tonight.  They only need to solve the equation.  They can use the lines to make a picture to solve the problem if it is needed.


HW & Practice 1-6

HW & Practice 1-6 pgs. 43-44
Feel free to let your child use some type of manipulative or draw a picture to help them solve #3.  
Your child needs to mark more than one answer for #6.


HW & Practice 1-5

HW & Practice 1-5 pgs. 37-38
Your child may draw a picture or use any type of manipulative you have at home (pennies, Legos, counters, etc.) to help them solve numbers 3 & 4.


HW & Practice 1-4

HW & Practice 1-4 pgs. 31-32
For #5, please use the attached ice cream paper to help your child write a simple subtraction story to go along with the equation.  We wrote a story together in class.  It is attached to your child's class work from today.  You may help with spelling and sentence formation as this can be challenging at the beginning of the school year.


HW & Practice 1-3

HW & Practice 1-3 pgs. 25-26


HW & Practice 1-1

Purple math vocabulary cards were sent home today.  These are to be kept at home and gone over to make your child is familiar with the vocabulary we are learning in our first math topic.  They will not be tested on these words.
Tonight's homework - Homework and Practice 1-1 pgs. 13-14


Number Writing 0-5

Number Writing 0-5 - Trace each number then write each number 4 times.