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In-Person Learning with 12:30 Dismissal - Wednesday, March 31, 2021

This is a reminder that there will be in-person learning on Wednesday, March 31, 2021 with a 12:30 dismissal.  

Lunch Menu Change - Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Tuesday's lunch will be:
Ravioli w/Meat Sauce
Garlic Bread Stick
Cheese Cup
Green Beans
Fruit Cup

Work to be returned on Friday, February 19

Please make sure your child returns the following work tomorrow, Friday, February 19:
1. math HW 7-3 pgs. 411-412
2. milk folder with completed work inside
3. Virtual Snow Day Packet with Day 1 completed

Thursday, February 18, 2021

If tomorrow's weather keeps us from being in the classroom and we have a virtual learning day, please complete Virtual Snow Day 1 in the packet that was sent home recently.  There are 3 review pages for both reading and math.  The packet will need to be returned to school on Friday, February 19 so the pages can be checked and the packet returned as soon as possible.  Please email me with any questions.

New "Panther Proud" Masks

On Friday, February 12, the Elementary Student Council gave all of the elementary students and teachers new masks.  They have asked that everyone wear these masks for our yearbook group pictures on Tuesday, February 16.  Please make sure your child wears/brings their new "Panther Proud" mask to school tomorrow!

Spelling Test/Homework

This is a reminder to keep studying your Unit 7 spelling words.  Our test will be on Friday, February 12.  Unit 7 spelling homework is also due today.  

Virtual Learning Packet (snow day)

A virtual learning day packet was sent home with your child today.  None of this packet is to be completed unless we have a virtual learning day due to inclement weather.  See the instructions stapled to the packet for further information.  I sent home enough materials to cover 2 days.  My hope is that we NEVER have to use it, but I wanted you to have it just in case.  Please keep it in a safe place.  Please get in touch with me if you have any questions.  Thank you!


If you have not already done so, please send a pair of headphones to school that your child can use with their Chromebook.  These will remain at school until the end of the year.  Please place the headphones in a gallon zipper or slide seal bag with your child's name on it for easy identification and distribution.  Thank you!

Sled Riding

Tomorrow afternoon we'll be heading outside with 2nd grade to go sled riding.  It is optional, but if you choose to go out please bring your snow gear--warm coat, snow pants, boots, hat, gloves, sled, etc.  
Also, we may not make it back inside for Phys. Ed., so I think it's ok if you skip the sneakers since you'll be bringing so much other stuff to school!

100th Day of School

Bring in 100 matching items for the 100th day of school! (5 point math HW assignment)
You can also dress to look like you are 100 years old!

Monday, February 1 - Virtual Learning Day

For tomorrow's virtual learning day your child can work on any of the following (all are optional):
1. Unit 7 spelling homework (wait to turn in all of the activities at the same time)
2. Practice reading the attached fluency story, A Helmet for Hot Rod.  Fluency assessment will be on Friday, February 5.  Your child will receive a paper copy of the story once we return to school. (Check your email for a copy of the story)
3. January Book-It - Make sure this is done!  This was due tomorrow, but will now be due on Tuesday, February 2.  January Reading Challenge (extra credit) is also due on Tuesday, February 2!
If your child has access to a personal computer or tablet within your home, they can go to:
4. Superkids Online Fun - play a game, read a story from the decodable reader, or read a book
5. Spelling City - play a game to practice your new spelling words
6. Boom Cards - Continue working on the Tally Mark and/or Data and Graphing boom cards we've been working on in class.  Use the link below and enter the password: panthers1.  
7. Valentines - Work on your Valentine box and/or cards.  Remember: boxes, cards, and treats can be sent to school beginning Tuesday, February 2, but absolutely no later than Friday, February 5!
8. Go outside and enjoy the snow!  If you want to send me a picture of you playing, sledding, shoveling, building something, etc., I'll post it on my website!
If you have any questions, please let me know.

Milk Folders

There are a few milk folders that were not returned today.  Please bring them to school tomorrow.
Make sure your child is completing and turning in Wednesday's work on time.  Remote learning on Wednesdays counts as a day of school.  As a result, late work may be counted as an unexcused absence for your child unless an excuse is given.  Please contact me if you have any questions.  Thank you

Valentine Card Boxes & Treats

Don't forget to work on your Valentine card boxes.  It can be as simple or elaborate as you want!
In my original note home, I had said that the boxes, cards, and treats can be sent to school as early as Wednesday, February 3, but Wednesday's are remote learning days!  Boxes, cards, and treats may be sent to school as early as Tuesday, February 2, but absolutely no later than Friday, February 5.
Also, I included the full-time remote learning students on the card list, but did not include them in the treat count.  If you would like to send a treat/snack for them, you would need to send 24 instead of 21.  I have also extended the invitation to them to send cards and treats to their classmates in school.
If you have any questions, please ask!